Toooth decay is the most prolific and second most costly community disease even though fluoridation has halved the problem . Almost all cavities occur between teeth and inside grooves on chewing surfaces where the brush, toothpaste, mouthwash, saliva and chewing gum, cannot reach plaque or food that is trapped while eating every meal or snack. Plaque changes sugar to acid, which demineralises tooth.
Few cavities occur at gum margins where the brush and saliva have good access. Food dye can colour plaque at gum margins and between teeth showing where brushing and flossing is necessary before breakfast so there is little plaque bacteria to change sugar to acid except inside grooves on chewing surfaces. Dentists can seal grooves to prevent food being trapped and changed to acid and they can demonstrate where food is trapped if patients chew Barium Sulphate from a Barium meal with a special Brush/floss'n'chew foam strip gum from the Supertooth project, before x-rays of back teeth.
Chewing a non-cariogenic food like cheese before eating meals or snacks seals these grooves and prevents some food being trapped and changed to acid while eating. However more research is necessary to maximise the formulation. Chewing cheese after eating helps displace trapped food especially when also chewing suitable fibre like celery string which helps force the cheese particles inside grooves and helps saliva dilute sugar, neutralise acid and repair demineralised tooth. Research is currently developing products tat are easy to carry and convenient to chew before and after every meal or snack and food will no longer be left trapped between teeth and inside grooves on chewing surfaces where almost all cavities occur and the brush cannot reach.
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Julian Rouas Paris Is Julian Rouas Paris
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